Sunday 11 October 2009

Help Wanted with project

i am trying to compile information on two subjects relating to Northern Ireland
I would like anyone with information about any of the "dissident" republican organisations in Northern Ireland, the Real and Continuity IRA to forward me any information about their recent activity. i would also like to hear from the 32csm and Republican Sinn Fein

i will publish any information sent to me without censoring it and i will be impartial with it.

Also there are rumours that the British Army has covertly returned to rural areas of Northern Ireland. If anyone has information on this could they also email me it. all emails will be published anonymously unless you want your name published.

my email address is



INLA to Disarm

The Irish National Liberation Army are to disarm, we have been told

isnt that nice, a collection of gangsters under the banner of "republicanism" are going to stop killing innocent people

Yet still there are various "dissident" "micro-groups" stalking our streets. Sinn Fein is petrified of the Continuity and Real IRA, because they know how hipocriical it is of them to critise their use of violence.
